Coding Beyond Competition - that was our 4th Female Coders Hackathon

Vienna called for hackathon

The success story of the hackathon continued on 13 April 2024 in Vienna. Projects in our Internet of Things track included an indoor weather station, a custom controller to control a game that was also created on the day, and a custom sound device inspired by electronic music.

In our biggest track, the Web track, we had eight different teams working on different websites. Femtech was a website that aims to connect customers with handy women. is a website that aims to encourage women to work on their motorbikes and cars. Neuroderma is a tracker to help people with neurodermatitis to identify the things that make it worse. In the Crime Map, our participant analysed official reports from and visualised the locations on a map to highlight hot areas.

One group tried to predict protein functions from their amino acid sequences and another group tried to predict crystal data structures in the Artificial Intelligence track.
With Hateometer, one group trained an AI model on social media posts to deduce hate speech, and another group tried to train a model to find the main colour of an image to help colour-blind people choose what to wear.

It's always amazing to see what projects can be started in just one day, how much our participants learn and how well their teams work together, even if they only get to know each other that day.

To to complete Flickr picture gallery


All projects in overview 🚀

Cleaning up your personal PC


  • IOT DJ
  • IOT based game / electronics fun
  • IOT temperature sensor with hosted webpage



  • A home buddy goes outside
  • Femtech - craftswomen placement
  • Crime map
  • Parrot app
  • Event app
  • Restaurant recommender
  • Neuroderma



  • Crystal data prediction
  • Protein function prediction
  • Main color finder
  • Check your emotions – diary analysis
  • Hateometer




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