Special study group for getting into web security! Similar to the #AdventOfCode series we did in December we’ll use this time to get into security a bit more! No worries if you missed some sessions, the days can be done independently from each other – and NO prior knowledge is required, we are here to learn together!

In this session we will do day 7 and 8 of the #AdventOfCyber (https://www.tryhackme.com/room/adventofcyber2). Day 7 focuses on TCP and packet sniffing and day 8 on port scanning – with these tools we’ll do our first steps in the network security area.

If you want to join the security session, you should install Oracle Virtual Box(https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Download_Old_Builds_6_0), download a Kali Linux image for VirtualBox (https://www.offensive-security.com/kali-linux-vm-vmware-virtualbox-image-download/#1572305786534-030ce714-cc3b) and enable Virtualisation in your bios settings.

If you can’t manage to do that, no worries there is an in-browser solution you can use as well. The only thing you need to have is a TryHackMe account.

# How to enable Virtualization in BIOS
1. Power off your computer.
2. On start up press the specific hotkey to enter BIOS. The hotkeys may vary due to different brands. It usually is Esc, F2 or Del, etc.
3. Then navigate to the Advanced tab, press Enter to continue.
4. Select Virtualization and enable it.
5. Save the changes and reboot your computer.


März 17


07:00 pm - 09:00 pm

Click to Register: https://www.meetup.com/Female-Coders-Linz/events/276716500/

Female Coders Linz

Website: https://www.meetup.com/Female-Coders-Linz/